I' ve started studying Japanese food, and I bought this Japanese basic recipe book.
"Kihon no Washoku"

And I cooked some Japanese foods :)
★This is a hamburger with radish and labiate and Ponzu.
It's not so oily, so I like this!

★This is Chikuzen-ni without chiken.
Maybe we can't call it Chikuzen-ni if we don't use chiken....
I don't know.
But I used a lot of vegetables, so it's healthy:)
And I could cook it very good!!!

★This is a Rei-shabu.
There are some porks, mini-tomatoes, slices of cucamber and labiates, and boiled beansprouts!
We can buy a bin of sauce for this food at supermarket!

★These dishes were nasty. I don't want to cook them again.

But this Ton-jiru(soup) was delicious!
I'm glad if you come to be interested in Japanese food!