

Thank you for your comments!!!
I didn't know you also loved cups!! Favorite cups make tea's taste so nice!
I also want to see your most favorite cups some day(^_^)

By the way, I cooked UDON today!!
I used plum, yam, okra, medium boiled egg, mushroom and nori topping.
Usually I buy the noodles, so I have to just boil them.
But I tried to make noodles for the first time!!!
It looked so tasty, but actually it was not so good(>_<)
It was a little hard・・・.
I'll never try noodle again, but I want to try handmade pizza next time!!

4 件のコメント:

Fashion Personality さんのコメント...
Fashion Personality さんのコメント...

Good try! I can't resist and had Udon for lunch. Oops! I'm hungry again.

匿名 さんのコメント...

Nice post. I liked your photo.

martita さんのコメント...

looks so nice... I'm sure that if you'll prepare them next time they will be better :)
btw of handmade pizza... today I have this type of pizza on lunch :D and it's prepared by italian :)